You can use this page as a starting point for your site's front page.
Below, you'll find some examples content blocks you can use to build web layouts in SiteNow v3. You can use this page as a template for the front page of your site and adjust as needed. Simply click the Layout button from this page while logged into the site and start building your page. You can also set a different page as your homepage from the Configuration menu above or delete this page from the Content menu.

student-to-faculty ratio

Graduate School Placement Rate

200 +
Areas of Study
We're here to help
The SiteNow service is maintained by a dedicated team of campus web professionals. If you'd like to submit a feature request or have any questions for the team, please email
If you have any questions or need technical support, please consult the SiteNow service site and the SiteNow documentation.
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Getting started with SiteNow v3

Quick-start guide to SiteNow
News Test